Sunday, May 01, 2005

Weekend Recap
a little early, but you get the idea

It appears the Runaway Bride is safe at home. All is well in the world. I however, remain a jaded, bitchy, bitter ex wife. Maybe I am just old. Maybe it has something to do with working with brides and their mommies. Maybe it's just a stupid story about a spoiled rotten brat with too much money who got a little stressed out about her gala - fourteen - attendant wedding. Just maybe.

Oh... that's right... this is where I talk about the weekend. Sorry.

Saw my (former) sister-in-law on Friday night when leaving work. Not sure if she was not expecting to see me or ... hmm.... I suddenly felt very divorced. Realize I miss my sister-in-law's a lot. Oh well... traffic always seems to take your mind off these things. And there was much of that. Much.

Friday night included a trip to the ever popular $3.49 Pizza Buffet... where the girls always eat like I haven't fed them in days - and we see three million people we know and haven't seen in ages. This makes the $3.49 Pizza Buffet a sort of watering hole... the Mecca to which mommies and daddies and kids travel to socialize. Sad. Anyway - saw some of my "real" teacher friends... saw some of my "old" high school classmates... asked SB NOT to chew with her mouth gaping open at least four hundred times. Asked Jordin to stop dancing in the middle of the buffet line at least two thousand times. Despite the stereotype that might come with a $3.49 Pizza Buffet - the food is suprisingly good and we all get our money's worth. Aunt Becky and Family go with us.

Played Freeze Tag with the girls outside until almost 9:30. Note: this is not a good idea post $3.49 Pizza Buffet. The girls thought it was a great idea, however. I don't usually run unless chased. Ever. Made an exception on Friday. My girls love to play by the rules. They are anal about it. Do you know how Freeze Tag works? Someone must be "it." "It" must chase other players in an attempt to "freeze" them. You can "freeze" someone by tagging them. Once "frozen" you can only be "unfrozen" by whoever is left running from "it". This person must tag all frozen individuals and the game continues. (insert maniacal laughter here) So I got smart. I froze both girls. Then I told them goodnight. They remained "frozen" for some time.

Saturday. Rain. Thunder.
I trekked into work Saturday morning to assist a bride and her mother with wedding programs. Gag. Hack. I was rather disenchanted upon hearing the news of Runaway Bride. So, I was as pleasant as possible. I forced myself not to slap anyone or pull anyone's hair. I was very, very nice. Paper Girl wanted to be a bitch, but I wouldn't let her. Pretended to manage paper store aftewards for a while. Ordered some cool new fonts. Installed cool new design software which my friend Katey will have to help me with after hours.

Came home. Moved much heavy furniture out of new (old) house into storage. It's almost time for carpet. Yay. More rain. Baked pink cupcakes with girls. Made home made mac and cheese for Sunday lunch after church. Had a little peppermint tea, and tried to read Ana Karina -- hmmm. It's going to be a great love story - and it's written by a dark and enchanting man with some pretty sordid experiences himself. But right now it sucks. Completely.

Today - church. Lunch. Cupcakes. Knitting. I took some photos today with my Nikon. I am a little concerned that She's (the camera is a girl) dying on me. And I am not spending anymore money on repairs. I want a new toy. The girls were in "The Club," which required
  1. me busting them... almost made SB pee in her pants.
  2. me bathing them... NASTY. Absolutley un-ladylike. I mean, little girls don't get stuff like this under their nails.

Email. Blog. Tonight - I am out to dessert with my girlfriends from church for my birthday. :-)

Happy Sunday to ya'll.

1 comment:

Jim Fletcher said...

Oh, like you never had Wedding drama... I seem to remember some drama about people not coming to the rehearsal dinner because they weren't "officially invited"... oh, whoops- that was my side of the family. My bad; nevermind :-D