Friday, May 27, 2005

You can tell immediately if someone grew up in the eighties and nineties.... do they know what TGIF means?

Lots to do today. Just in case you're interested.

  1. Get JLo to school. We slept in this morning.
  2. Take SB to orthapedic appointment regarding the arm that is not broken, yet looks broken.
  3. Work. (the subtext that could be inserted here would simply take all day to even type, much less read...)
  4. Bank. (yay, money to deposit... maybe I could just donate a couple of pints of blood to daycare for the summer)
  5. Pack girls for Dad's house. Think they're going to White Water.
  6. Hang out with little sister, visiting from college. (sorry Becca, no where to surf at home.... we're shark free these days)
  7. Develop film from wedding (last weekend) and girl scout ceremony last night (maybe I will do something like put the photos in her scrapbook or something miraculous.)
  8. Buy film for wedding job tomorrow (beg dad to let me use the new, fancy, digital camera type toy).

Have a great Friday. ;-)


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