Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The picture above is my favorite from our wedding this weekend.

This is the father of the bride. His wife, the mother of the bride, passed away suddenly almost a year ago. He stepped away quietly while we were taking some group shots... I thought maybe for a sip of water or to take off his jacket. When he bowed his head... I realized he was saying a little prayer. Maybe he was telling her how beautiful their daughter was... how much he missed her... or how he wished she could be there.... whatever the message, her response must've been comforting, because he wiped away a tear, looked up at heaven, and smiled.


nicole said...

Ok, this makes me teary too. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Whoa that picture is moving. Thank you, it brought my Dad back to me for a moment.

Katey said...

rach, that's a beautiful shot... but you take so many of them, how do you shoose your favorites?

all i have to say is wow...