Monday, January 24, 2005

Well.... earlier today, if you could have been here for the thirty milliseconds it was posted... I had a great post. A really great one. One that would have certainly gained the attention of bloggers everywhere... the kids were gone - and it was just me, my mind, and the keyboard - highly combustible when mixed together. What happened to said post? I am really not sure. Some sort of bull@&#*@ about an "internal server error." Yay. Internal server error crashes my complete masterpiece.

What did I post about?

What was so wonderful that I am now posting about how wonderful it was?


That's right... silence. Beautiful, blissful silence. Silence in the complete sense.... the kind of silence that you can hear... the kind that you can feel - the kind that makes your head swim with all kinds of thoughts that you never have when always engaged in conversation with the preschool set. Silence that overwhelms you... silence that makes you sit and just enjoy being still. That is what I posted about. It was amazing.

I sat here and blogged away for at least forty-five minutes, talking about my adventures today and how the only sound I could hear was the sound of my fingers hitting the keyboard. How it was so wonderful to post and not be breaking up arguments, dividing My Little Ponies, or redressing Barbie. I didn't have to answer any homework questions, find any missing socks, or decide whose turn it was to pick the afternoon tv show. It was just silent. My creative juices surfaced and flowed ... and flowed and flowed.

Until I realized that perhaps silence can become too much of a good thing. Until I became a little nervous that the keyboard sound was the only thing I could hear, and that actually hearing myself think for once was a little overrated. So, I put down the blog and found a Barbie to dress.... she looked a little lonely.


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