Thursday, February 24, 2005

Relationship Therapy 101
too much family time is a bad, bad thing

Let me just explain something to everyone... maybe this will stop further conversations with my mother, my Japanese sister and mother, her husband, my DAD (for goodness sakes) and my own sister and her boyfriend.....

Everyone listening?


While you all think I am a fabulous girl (and damn, I do appreciate it) there are few things that actually make members of the opposite sex feel differently. I know it's a shocker, but - here they are in order......

  1. I am twenty six years old, and divorced. (this is not average. what in the hell is she divorced at age 26 for? What did she do to the poor guy?)
  2. I have two... count them, TWO children... GIRLS. (not that girls make it any worse... but you know, I COULD be one of those scary, psychopathic single women who is desperatley seeking a father for her children... Hello, Amber Frey... "I know we just went out once and all, but you don't mind picking the girls up from school and then taking them to dance and feeding them ... DO you?" I think the average single man my age is terrified of a woman with children... WAY, WAY too much pressure there.)
  3. I am six feet tall. (and, while this alone wouldn't usually be a problem, the first two factors certainly limit the dating pool when you put all three together.... a tall, divorced mother of two... scary! However, a tall single redhead in a bar.... that might be a different story)

So. I understand that my friends and family think I am a great girl... supermom... and as cool as humanly possible. THAT makes me the happiest person in the world. It keeps my Superwoman cape tied securely around my neck, and makes those cute blue (or were they red) knee high boots fit EVERYTIME I try them on. Thank God. Those thoughts keep my going. And honestly, I am flattered that everyone thinks these things of me, and that we CAN have hour long torturous, agonizing, make-me-feel-like-you-are-pulling-my-toenails-out discussions about who I should date and who I shouldn't. But, mom and sisters, here is the bottom line..... (I can only say it here cause they will never, ever read it... lol)

  1. I am not settling again. (did it once, I'll pass on round 2 and just wait it out)
  2. Yes, I am picky. For a reason. (been married to the guy that was shorter than me for three or four years... I am over that novelty.)

I brought this entire thing on myself, by the way. I invited the man I know everyone loves to Atlanta this weekend, even though I am already ready to take him BACK to the airport before he's even here. So, a huge philosophical discussion of my dating life ensued. Yikes. It's a scary, scary topic.

And just for the record - if Mr.Right is reading.....
  1. Yep, 26 and OH-SO-VERY-HAPPILY-DIVORCED. (I DO carry a DIVORCE card... lol) I really need one of those tags for my car, like the ones that say, "let me tell you about my grandchildren," that says, "let me tell you about my divorce." Summing it up in as few words as possible... we got married way, way too young when we thought we knew everything. One day, we realized we didn't. Ok?
  2. I do have two girls... the sweetest, most cool, amazing little divas ever known to the south. We live in feather boas, high heeled plastic shoes, and glitter hairspray. We ride horses, ATV's, fish, camp, skate, color, play soccer, dance, and everything else under the sun. We exist to change Barbie's clothes, watch Princess Diaries, and read Junie B. Jones. They don't need another daddy - but you're more than welcome to hang out with us. ;-)
  3. That's right... six feet tall. If you can handle it, and you're shorter than me... let me know. If not, be able to look me in the eye and tell me you love me... cause I learned early on that I really can't dance with someone shorter than me. :-) Thanks.

    Just be patient girls. Someone will think my Superwoman getup is cute eventually.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock on dude. I do feel at least a part of your pain...

Thirty-three, divorced guy, and a daughter who comes first, always.

Yeah, the chicks are usually lined up outside my door when I get home.
