Tuesday, February 08, 2005

File under: organized mommy
um, at least today anyway

So. In keeping with my new, fabulous organized lifestyle.... this morning the girls and I left ON SCHEDULE at 7:30. I mean - we left together - breakfast in our tummies, both shoes on our feet, hair looking good, mommy not totally ready to go off the deep end ... TOGETHER.

Last night, I washed the rock star hair (dear God, someone please talk me into cutting my hair... I really, really think I am too old for long hair and sadly enough I think I should keep it long because Jim and Sarah Beth think it's pretty) and even decided what I would wear today. Wow. That's a concept.

This morning, I didn't make it up at the desired hour of 6AM - slept "in" till 6:30 - made hot breakfast for the girls (toast, bacon, eggs) and then got them up and fed. Anyway, to make a long and horrifyingly boring story SHORT - we were ready to go on time. YAY us.

For tomorrow - I think I will attempt 6:00 wake up call again - God knows that won't happen - and then go for leaving five minutes early.

If this becomes a trend, you all are in trouble.

(oh, and did I mention we cleaned out the car and reclaimed control of the automobile??? The PopTart crumbs were taking over.....)


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