Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tasteless? Oh yes.
Dear Lord, forgive me for giving into the posts from other parent bloggers about their children's bodily functions.

(in car, post "Drive Thru Lane" from preschool)

ME: Jordin, do you know what kind of music this is?
JLO: Yes. It's classical. There aren't any words. The words are silent. (I have no idea what "the words are silent means... 5 year old logic)
ME: That's right, J. Good. (drive to SB's school continues... me gloating because my child is being all cultured and classy in the back seat... she's now "directing" the orchestra)
JLO: Mommy?
ME: Yes?
JLO: I just did a classical poot.
ME: WHAT? (gloating immediately ceases)
JLO: Yeah. It was silent. (giggle) (pause) Classical but deadly, Mommy. (breaks out into fits of uncontrollable laughter.)


Becky said...

hmmmm....maybe Shawn has been hanging around up there to long. He tends to favor the "silent but deadly" quote alot!! Sorry :(

Katey said...

I love my Jordo... she's quite the lady... hug her for me, will ya?