Saturday, April 02, 2005

Cool new book
It's amazing what a little Target at 9:45 PM can do for the soul.

Eric Carle is one of my favorite children's authors. He is probably most known in the land of preschoolers for "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We love his books at my house - and have a vast collection of his "work." This year, in fact, Jordin received her very own copy of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See," from Gov. Sonny Perdue. She says she's reading it, but heaven knows she's got it memorized, unless of course she has learned to read while holding the book upside down (god bless her little left handed self).

(dear God, when did I start talking about children's authors like fine art?)

Anyhow... tonight at Target, I saw the "new" one.... "Mister Seahorse." It's all about FATHERS who take care of their BABIES ... you know, those new fangled "modern" parenting styles. Oh my, probably not something that the religious conservatives in the world would go for. No, it's not about stay at home dads or anything peachy like that... it's about daddies who are caring for their little unhatched offspring all by themselves. Neat. Leave it to good ole Eric. He comes up with some cool concept, paints a few amazing illustrations - and bingo - a new addition to the bestseller list.

I flipped through the pages... another amazing classic. However, rather than be one of those crazy moms who thinks her daughters can play football and be in boy scouts if they want to - I left it serenely there on the shelf... just waiting for the right daddy to come along.... :-)

(incidentally, if you want to know more about Eric's work, or see his new release, "10 Little Rubber Ducks," you can check out his site linked above....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I bought Mister Seahorse this afternoon and it was terrific. I read it to my daughter in bed tonight, then hummed her to sleep. It was a hit, and I could see the wheels turning as we talked between the page turns about how lots of daddies take care of the babies (kids) too.

Thank you so much for coming to my site to tell me about it!