Wednesday, June 01, 2005

rain, rain, go away.

What an incredibly lazy day. It's raining cats and dogs here in Atlanta... more rain than you can shake your umbrella at. And, when it stops raining... there's more rain. I can think of a million and one places I would like to be in a rainstorm... work is not one of the most romantic.

The girls and I slept late this morning... made them breakfast and we all sat on the back porch and ate... watching the rain. Jordin told me my omlette looked "gross," and I told her she looked "gross," which quickly went downhill and left everyone giggling and calling each other "gross." Ahhh... it's quite the life I have.

Jordin's bedroom is almost painted in the new (old) house. We started that little endeavor this morning. I call the color, "Strawberry Shortcake Obnoxious," however, Home Depot prefers "strawberry." The painting of JLo's room leaves only the carpet and actual moving left.... we'll procrastinate that for a couple of more days, at least.

I think I am making banana pudding tonight... from my new More From Magnolia cookbook... it's the one I bought in NYC at THE Magnolia Bakery. Banana Pudding is one of their house specialties... and the girls will adore me. They are amazed at anything I do that shows even the slightest hint of domesticity. Scrambling eggs this morning was almost as exciting as this will be.

Gotta decide if I am committing to going back to school this fall. Shall I finish the History degree I started, or just continue to put it off .... ? Arrrg. I hate life altering decisions. So, instead of thinking about it... just call me Scarlett... "I'll think 'bout that tomorrow. " I think I'll tuck myself away somewhere this weekend while the girls are gone and just watch movies... I made a list of all the ones I've been wanting to watch and haven't had time for... I'm thinking of maybe "The Aviator." Got a trusted review. And how can one woman go wrong with Leo? (don't answer that, please)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any mom who makes homemade banana pudding from the Magnolia Cookbook is the BEST MOM EVER. Yum!