(except today I didn't!!)
Today was a good *Rachael* day. My multiple personalities were out and about everywhere. Did you see any of me?
*Paper Girl* was busy at the Atlanta Merchandise Market. She had to be there early to meet with a vendor so she could pick out greeting cards and stationery and all sorts of miscellany (love that word) for the *Paper Shop.* Since the vendor was late to the meeting, she made tracks to the ribbon showroom, where she picked out pretty ribbons and charms for custom invitations to me made in the *Paper Shop.*
I decided to go with her... to the Market. And I consented and let *Creative Me* come along too. We're quite the trio. I was excited because it's Cash and Carry days at the Market - which means you can buy samples from most of the showrooms without worrying about making the minimun orders.... this gives a lot of women a syndrome that is unexplainable. They start to catfight over things like Vera Bradley bags and decorative pillows. They roll around these little bags with them, and fill them up with wholesale insanity. Every small town (and large one too) around the south is represented by it's finest
Ok. So back to the story.
*Creative Me* then insisted that *Paper Girl* and herself should visit the Mark Roberts Showroom. Secretly *I* (that's you know - me, Rachael) had tricked *Creative Me* into thinking that we could find great window dressings up there... lots of glitz and glam and pretty stuff. *Creative Me* agreed... we grabbed the ever-business-like *Paper Girl* and went alllll the way up to the 17th floor to see the Mark Roberts stuff.... wow. Do you know Mark Roberts? He makes these amazing Fairies - which are beautiful and would be perfect for the windows of the *Paper Shop.* These windows are a constant challenge for *Creative Me,* and a complete pain-in-the-ass for Paper Girl. Little did *Creative Me* know that there were many, many samples for sale ... yahoo!!! I indulged and bought a Christmas Fairy. And a new Gnome Santa. Cuteness. And all for $25.00. That's my kind of wholesale shopping. Seriously.
Ok - so - *Paper Girl* gets to meet with her vendor. I sit back and watch as she spends $1400.00 without blinking an eye... "Don't look at me like that," she says. *Creative Me* was drooling while this amount of money was being spent. I had to ask her to close her mouth at least twice. I mean, it's just not ladylike, you know? Then, *Creative Me* went down to the cute napkin/paper goods showroom... where we jumped right in the middle of the ladies fighting over 2.00 beverage napkins and paper plates. And we bought some. Some cute ones that Janet would love with little chocolate desserts all over them - and some with wire whisks on them for the new (old) kitchen. Bargain.
And then I found two lamps. TWO. Two lamps that *Creative Me* says will match my dining room perfectly. They're silver with red shades - shades have little reddish black roses on them. I would call them Tall Lamps. *Creative Me* says they're called *Buffet Lamps.* Sure. Whateevr. Sometimes that girl is a pain in the ass.
Ok. And then I got tired of trying to manage everyone - so I duct taped the two of them and I went to lunch with my cute California friend at the Ok Cafe. We had Sweet Potato Chips with Blue Cheese and BLT's. And don't forget the sweet tea. Then she shared some of her home made banana nut cake with me. Yum.
Wholesale Happines. My favorite brand.
Ciao -
Oh! I am Pea green with envy! I want so badly to go to one of those "cash and carry" days. Find stuff nobody else has... :) Lucky you!
Thanks for the post on my blog! I posted on your Xanga :)
Malia - Hee hee!! That's why I like them so much... :-) I think they're a little scary too! But that's what I think makes them special... there were some REALLY pretty ones too... my friend bought them for her neice's room! Wish I had pictures!
Thanks Rachael so much for a great blog. I was out looking for the latest on fine pearl jewelry and found your site. this post isn't exactly what I was searching for, but I'm glad I stopped by and had the chance to enjoy this. I see now why I found this site when I was trying to also find more on fine pearl jewelry related information. Anyway, thanks again.
Hi there Rachael. Just stopped by briefly while I was out looking for related information on custom fine jewelry. Enjoyed your site - not exactly the match I was wanting, as I was looking for custom fine jewelry related info also, but your site was so interesting I stuck around to have a read. Good job this post!
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