Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ten on Tuesday.
because I haven't blogged all weekend so now I must go overboard

Ten Favorite Things to Snack On
(in no particular order, mind you)
  1. baby carrots
  2. cheese cubes
  3. granola bars
  4. Raisinettes
  5. red grapes (cold, out of the fridge)
  6. Wheat Thins
  7. PopTarts (the girls favorite; not just a breakfast food anymore)
  8. NutriGrain bars, blueberry (always one in the purse)
  9. air popped popcorn (the Archer Farms brand, you can buy on the snack food aisle at Target, thanks Katey!)
  10. "white" Trail Mix (also bought at Target... yummy!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could live on Pop Tarts. Especially the frosted cherry ones. Yum.