Monday, May 23, 2005

Dammit. I hate money.

Daycare is going to cost $500.00 a month this summer. And that's not for SB. That's for JLo. I am trying to save for the Disney Trip... for the new house... and still have some sanity when it's all over. $500.00 a month. Yuck. I just hope their flip flops and shoes will fit at least for the summer.

Maybe school starts back early this year.



1 comment:

Mamma Bear said...

Well Rachel, you posted to my blog so I thought I would check out yours...and $500 for daycare is steep. I guess that is why I spend all of my money on alcohol...but then that would lead to drunken nights, which leads to kids, which leads to $500/month daycare. I guess I should give up drinking! (sigh) Happy Blogging...
p.s. Show it off and let them see it :)