Sunday, March 06, 2005

Washington CD update
Update on the Washington trip: Flight arrived safely in DC (or, CD as Jordin refers to it). Sarah Beth took approximately four or five pictures on the plane, and read to page thirty of her "Because of Winn Dixie" book. Upon asking her what her favorite part of the flight was (you know, it being her very first and all) she replied... "I don't know," and quickly moved on to telling me about her concerns over whether or not she'll have enough film in one disposable camera. We had this discussion approximately three five hundred times before she left. About 498 of those happened before we left WalMart with the camera. Later in the day, another update from Mimi included the news that Sarah Beth has been in the bathroom alot - apparently on a secret mission to check out all public facilities in DC, and make a report to children who torture their parents and grandparents with this practice everywhere.

Maybe they have a secret website or something.


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