Ten on Tuesday
Ten Songs that bring back memories and why.....
from the good people at TEN ON TUESDAY
1. "A Whole New World," from Aladdin. This was my first "real" dance with a *boy*.... it was at homecoming my freshman year of high school. I went to the dance with Robert; the first *real* boyfriend. I was wearing a HUGE dress, lots of pink lamae', way way too overdressed for the occasion. Naturally, the only picture I have of the occasion I sent to Robert, probably to never be seen again. I will always, always remember this moment... :-)
2. "Today," by The Smashing Pumpkins Today is the greatest/day we'll ever know/can't live for tomorrow/... This was one of the first CD's I bought. During my sophomore and junior years of high school, I rode to school with my best friend, Tinian. EVERY DAY we listened to this song. I really don't know why, other than the fact it simply became a morning ride tradition. There was something about being in that car with the windows rolled down on a warm spring morning listening to that song.... loved it. The whole CD sort of became iconic to me - as it was the first I bought, lots of songs on it remind me of sentimental things.
3. "Cannonball", by The Breeders Sitting in a wishing well/blown to hell/crash/I'm the last splash Ever want to know how I learned Jason (*the boy*) existed? It was this damn cassette tape that started my whole infatuation with him.... last day of school of 10th grade, going out with his best friend, yet could not get enough of this mysterious new kid. Best friend wants to borrow said music from new kid, so - I am volunteered to "run in" and get the tape. In that little ten minute interval, I make it my plan to land the new kid. The rest is history... well, sort of. I actually don't think I really like the song, but it still reminds me of one particular sunny day, on the brink of being sixteen, and owning the world.
4. "Iris," by the Goo Goo Dolls ..you bleed just to know you're alive/ and I don't want the world to see me/ cause I don't think that they'd understand /where everything's meant to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am Even though we are now happily divorced, there is no denying how "much" of my teenage years I spent with Jim. We *learned* a lot from each other in those days, and shared much more than we knew we should. I was busy trying to lose the "good girl" reputation, drowning the pain of losing *the boy* and he was just trying to hang on during the wild, wild ride that was his freshman year at Georgia. All those mornings waking up in Russell Hall made me feel this false sense of knowing everything, getting away with way, way too much. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I wouldn't trade those days or experiences for anything. This song was "always" on the radio in Athens - sort of our own version of an unintentional theme song.
5. "Right Here Waiting,"by Richard Marx ... Oceans apart/day after day/and I slowly go insane/where ever you go/what ever you do/ I will be right here waiting for you Funny story. Sweet, precious memory. I had this amazing, amazing crush during the eigth grade... on a boy much, much shorter than me... an amazing, long lasting, precious friendship emerged from such crush... and we became the BEST of friends. I can think of only a few people that I have loved as much in my lifetime as I have loved him. It was my first taste of what a true friendship was, and was one of the only to stand the test of middle and high school, and even a few years after. We used to make these "tapes" of our favorite songs and mail them back and forth to each other during the summer - before the days of drivers licenses and our own cars. This song, no matter what else changed on the tape, remained a constant. He even played it at my wedding. And, as much as it puts a lump in my throat to hear it... our lives have taken their seperate paths - his in one way and mine in a direct opposite. We always want to try to rekindle our friendship - but we are too seperate now to know where to begin... No matter how different our lives become, I will always love him just as much as I did then... and this will always, always remind me of every hysterical, sad, serious, silly, perfect moment we shared. Since then - my most magical moment in life (since my girls) was our chance meeting at the mall - holding his baby girl. :-)
6. "Cumbersome," Seven Mary Three (sigh) /I have become /cumbersome /to my girl / too heavy/ too light/ to black/ or too white/ too wrong /or too right/today or tonight/cumbersome My friend Jason bought this CD on a night he and (now wife) Kelly were fighting. I know this because the two of them were my best friends - and we spent the entire night driving around with this CD in Jason's truck. Bigger than that, really - is how it will now alllllwaaaays remind me of all of our times we spent together. I remember both before they knew the other one existed. I remember counseling Kelly in our fabulous days in summer school on whether she "should" or "shouldn't." I remember too many nights with both *Jasons* causing whatever little bit of trouble we could find ... we were very *risque* and all slept over at my house when the parents were away, went to proms together... everything. They were (and are) a huge part of my life... and this song will always remind me of that night - and every other memory. *love you Kell* Oh, and incidentally, thanks to my advice... Kelly DID.
7. "Meet Virginia," by Train She doesn't own a dress/her hair is always a mess/catch her stealin she won't confess/she's beautiful ...meet Virginia/she never compromises/loves babies and surprises/wears high heels when she exercises/ain't that beautiful/...well she wants to be the Queen/...I can't to/...meet Virginia.... This song was immensely popular when I was pregnant with Jordin. I loved it. Still do. So much so, that I came about two minutes away from naming Jordin, Virginia. I thought it was a great song about a crazy girl with a strong personality, afraid of nothing... I still love Train music... ;-)
8. "Champagne Supernova," by Oasis ...slowly walkin down the hall /faster than a cannonball /where were you when we were gettin high /Some day you will find me/Caught beneath the landslide/In a champagne supernova in the sky This song was *the* song the year I graduated from high school. Again, one of those unintentional songs that I remember being on the radio at a *few* memorable moments that year.... on the way to a secret meeting with *the boy* after leaving senior prom... in the background when I finally, finally kissed *the crush*..... heard when sitting quietly in the room of one of my dearest friends, after finding out she was pregnant..... and, most memorably, it was on the radio the morning I drove to graduation. I guess it will always be synonymous with my senior year, and everything that happened then.
9. "Carolina in my Mind," by James Taylor in my mind I'm goin to Carolina/ can't you just see the sunrise /can't you hear the moon rise... seem a little strange to find on my list? Well, it's one of the most important. If nothing else, Jim is a sweet daddy to his girls. When Sarah Beth was only two, we began that great experiment that is now filed away under special memories... you know, living together in a little tiny house, just trying to make things work. Sarah Beth loved her daddy just as much then as now - and it was his job, per her request, do "sing" at bedtime... he always sang this to her. I remember standing outside the room, waiting for a kiss and hug from *the girl*, and hearing him sing to her. She was so sweet and small then... and we were so, so innocent of what lie ahead of us.
10. "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow ..at the copa /copacabana/ the hottest spot north of Havana /at the copa /they fell in love WHAT?!?!? You must be seriously questioning my music taste now... but, have you met my daughter, *the diva*? Jordin has one favorite song, and this is it. We spent a year, yes a year, singing this EVERY WHERE we went, and even taught her a few little shimmeys to go a long with her adorable three year old self being Lola. We still call her Lola to this day - and I finally pried the red sparkly "Lola shoes" off her feet about a year ago, two sizes too small. I think things like this are precious - and this will forever remind me of her childhood.
Dang. This was fun. ....whew... glad that emotional recap of my life is over.... now, I need some serious therapy....
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
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1 comment:
wow that is so cool gurl..realy i do hope you had a good ballet dance...i have wanted to do ballet all my life...later
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