Sunday, December 12, 2004

No return email yet - for those of you who are paying attention... but you know, I did without expectation of one... it still sucks, though.....


Becky said...

The return email could still come. Wouldn't be surprised if the feelings you felt might of been the same on the other end ;)

Anonymous said...

J2 was never much of a man of written words, hell J1 has never been either. You & I both know that what Becky said above is true, the feelings, at least back then, were completely mutual. Now, because we don't know the specifics of his current situation, we can't really assume anything about his present feelings. I just know that "back in the day" he had a large problem with an overbearing woman, hopefully he has long sense grown a pair and doesn't allow others to dictate his life, but if not, I wouldn't put it past that overbearing bitch to be still (at 28-years-old) screening all of his phone calls, snail mail, and email....JUST to make sure it's not for you.

Stupid woman has no idea she was screwing him out of the best thing that ever happened to him.

Anonymous said...

J2 was never much of a man of written words, hell J1 has never been either. You & I both know that what Becky said above is true, the feelings, at least back then, were completely mutual. Now, because we don't know the specifics of his current situation, we can't really assume anything about his present feelings. I just know that "back in the day" he had a large problem with an overbearing woman, hopefully he has long sense grown a pair and doesn't allow others to dictate his life, but if not, I wouldn't put it past that overbearing bitch to be still (at 28-years-old) screening all of his phone calls, snail mail, and email....JUST to make sure it's not for you.


Stupid woman has no idea she was screwing him out of the best thing that ever happened to him.