Friday, December 03, 2004

Wow... another month over.

Sarah Beth and Jordin both celebrated their birthdays this month - each another year older. SB turned eight (I cannot belive I have an eight year old daughter) on the 11th of November, and Jordin turned five on the 30th. They are so much taller than I remembering them being only yesterday - and I think time is going by at a speed far beyond my control.

Sarah Beth. Every mom thinks their children are beautiful. I am certainly no exception. If you know them, then you know everyone thinks SB is a little Rachael... her mannerisms, her long legs... her ability to argue with a Stop sign... all very me. I cherish this about her. Everyday, sadly enough, I look at her and see her being less and less of my baby and best friend - and more of her own person - graceful and elegant and simply dancing through life. She is the writer - the creator - the artist. She keeps little diaries in notebooks she finds - there must be at least fifty of them in her room... she writes stories - journals her day to day life (note: according to one journal, I am "mean"; can't blame her for being honest). She tells me often that one day, she will be a "popular" (i.e., famous) author. For some reason, I have no doubts. Our relationship has always been special - more of best friends than mom and daughter... something she and I figure out more about each day we are together. A second grader - her teacher is from Wales, and SB has discovered she can speak very "good British."

Jordin. SO much a Fletcher. She is truly her "daddy's girl," and proudly proclaims it to anyone who stops to listen. She looks like him, moves like him, and even acts like him on occasion. She epitomizes everything Jim, in very female form. Jordin is the dancer - the drama queen, and the lover. She's the owner of the little feet you hear coming across your floor at four in the morning, looking for the warm place in the bed next to mommy. She's the kisser, the hugger, and the total diva. For some reason, I always encouraged Jordin to be herself... right down to wearing a tutu and plastic shoes to the grocery. She could care less about what anyone thinks - very self confident, that one. She's in preschool for the last time this year - next year she'll grace the halls of McGarity with her charms....

New pictures from the bday soon!


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