Thursday, June 02, 2005

me. eating crow. again.

So. My mom pissed me off this weekend.

No surprise there, right?


She volunteered me to photograph some siblings Saturday morning. She volunteered me because she said, "Rachael is so much better chasing kids than I am," which to me translated as "I don't really want to be bothered with children so Rachael can do it." Of course, however, I am known to overreact (shutup, Jim and Katey), and so I did MY BEST to keep my cool.

It was, after all MY Saturday morning. MY day to sleep in, wear PJ's all day and do whatever the hell I pleased. After being committed to doing this, there was to be no sleeping in, wearing of PJ's all day... or anything of the sort. I was up and dressed and bitching about it by 9:30.

Bitching, I tell you. And there was no getting out of it. These were the granddaughters of a teacher at SB's school. THE teacher who loved my kid and never even had the Great Question Asker in her class. So, I was proverbially obligated.

Mind you, I never mind taking pictures. I am often annoying with my camera. It's always, always with me. In the bag, in the car, on my shoulder. Always. There have only been a couple of times when I have been without it. Drat. So, taking the pictures wasn't the problem. I was irrated because my mom volunteered me ... after she told the teacher she (meaning we) would do it for *free.* Now, my mom charges upwards of $1000.00 for wedding photography. And she's cheap comparably. But even my mom wouldn't *give* away photography. And, usually, in defense of my dear parents, they always pay me for wedding work - as, ironic as it may be, it's my photos that are bought and enlarged for gifts. Always. My mom does a mean group shot... but I am the photojournalist in the family.

Ok. So, was that enough bragging about myself?

So. Off I go. Starbucks spilled on me on the way, get lost and arrive fifteen minutes late. I only put ONE roll of film in my pocket... because I was making a point. Sure. Free. One roll. That's it.

And then I see my subjects.

Charity. Chloe. Baby sister Sarah.

The most heavenly little blond headed blue eyed children you have ever, ever laid eyes on. Ever.

And, their grandmother has them dressed in adorable blue sundresses... and they have a huge old red barn and an old weathered fence. That's exactly when *Creative Me* came speeding around the corner. She held her hand right over my mouth when I tried to explain I was only shooting one roll of film and explained that I actually had four rolls of film in the car, and I couldn't wait to use it all. I stamped my feet in protest, and *She* kicked me right in the shin and walked down the path to the barn with the ever-so-charming Chloe.

And, while I pouted near the swingset, *Creative Me* disappeared with the girls into the field... and then came back and chatted them up while they sat on the weathered fence... and away she flew with the camera... doing what *she* does best. *She* even suggested that the girls change into playclothes (overalls) so *she* could take more. I was so mad I waited in the car. With the spilled coffee smell.

So. When *Creative Me* was all done doing her thing... I had only one thing to say. These pictures would never, ever turn out good. Ever. They would have the wrong sunlight, and the barn was too big and the outfits were all wrong. Yep. I'll show her.

Yeah. And then today I get the photos back. And when I pick them up, everyone in the lab is waiting to tell me which one is their favorite. I heard *Creative Me* saying "I told you so." Again.

Enjoy the photos below. *Creative Me* insisted.

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